Lots of significant changes in the motorcycle magazine world with the new year. So we thought it was important to share where we are and what we are hearing about the other magazines.
TAM Communications: Published since 1989, American Iron Magazine is fine. I (Buzz Kanter) have been here since 1991 and have no plans to go away. We will continue to publish American Iron Magazine with 13 great issues again this year. One every four weeks as we have for years. We continue to sell in stores ($6.99 in the US) or by subscription ($24.97 for 13 issues). We are also publishing our all-tech and DIY American Iron Garage at 6 issues a year. It is sold on the newsstand ($6.99 in the US) or via subscription ($19.97 a year). Both have significant reader and advertiser support and we thank you for that.
Paisano: We hear Easyriders is still published monthly, but they have shut down V-Twin, In The Wind, Wrench, and Road Iron and folded them all into Easyriders.
Bonnier: We hear Hot Bike has been cut to only 6 issues a year, and that includes Baggers, which was recently shut down and folded into Hot Bike. Motorcyclist will stay at 6 issues a year. Cycle World is being cut to only 4 issues a year.
We are pleased to report that Cycle Source, which continues at 12 issues a year, also seems to be doing well.
We ask that you support any and all motorcycle magazines. In an era of fake news, these professional magazines serve an important role to keep enthusiasts informed and educated, and to help kep the industry moving forward.
If you are aware of any other changes or corrections to this information, please let us know.
Thanks for your support and please let us know what we can do to improve what we do – Buzz Kanter, Publisher/Editor-In-Chief